Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 22 in My Test of Internet Marketing

Hi Everyone,

Today is Day 22 in my test to see if internet marketing really works. I am still trying to figure out the whole video thing. It seems my videos are not being accepted by YouTube. I'm not sure why.

This is my progress so far:

1. I have 3 total sales of my ebook.

2. 171 people have signed up for my Free Chapter.

3. I have been submitting articles to article directories

4. I am advertising on Jon & Kate Plus 8 website and Momstown.com

I want to start doing how to videos to submit to youtube. I have also created a sales page for Clickbank. I'm still working on it and should have it finished soon.

I find myself all excited and working on my business and then I slow down. I feel like I'm in a slow down right now. I need to get motivated. I really want to sell ebooks so I need to focus.

Until next time,


Friday, January 25, 2008

Day 18 - Podcasting

I was hoping to have a video for you, however, I recorded 2 of them and they don't seem to be uploading correctly for some reason. I'm going to get a free trial of Sony Vegas to see if that will solve the problem.

I haven't posted in a few days so here is my progress:

1. I have written a sales page for Clickbank. I'm waiting on 2 testimonials and then it will be finished. I would like to advertise on there the beginning of next week. Hopefully affiliates will see it and promote it.

2. I have been submitting articles to the directories. I also submitted a press release through Ezine Articles. They have to approve it so I'm waiting on approval.

3. I found a great website, www.momstown.com. It is two women who give advice on a variety of topics for Moms. They also have a community where you can have a little mini-website and post your community happenings. I signed up so now I need to submit my information.

4. I am going to podcast. I listened to a call last night and it sounds great. I am so excited. I am going to have my own show through the Alive Network. That is who is hosting my eBook and who put my multi-media eBook together. Click on the link above and it will take you to their site. This is a great resource if you are thinking about creating a multi-media eBook. You can also browse the other eBooks that are available.

We are going to have our own podcast channel and will get traffic for each other. I see it as a real plus and a great marketing tool. I can't wait to get that started.

That is where I am at. It is Friday and tonight I am off to a relaxing get-away. I'm staying at a bed and breakfast. I like to scrapbook so I will be doing that. However, I'm sure I will be thinking or working on my business.


PS I'm sorry I don't have any video for you.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 13 - What Is Happening With My Ebook

Hi Everyone,

Today is Day 13. The weekend was busy for me as I didn't get too much accomplished. What I did do was:

  • Posted more articles
  • Sent emails to potential affiliates for my ebook. I got a response from some people. I sent our an email to internet marketers that I have bought products from. 2 of them told me that they couldn't promote it as they get requests all the time. They also said it is not what their list wants. I can understand that. I realized that I was taking a chance by submitting to them so I didn't get upset when I heard the responses.
Things I realized this weekend:
  • If I want to have an affiliate program, I need to advertise on Clickbank. So that means I need to come up with a sales letter. Saturday evening I worked on the copy for a sales letter. Writing copy is hard for me, but I learned to look at other people's work and take ideas from them. That will be my goal this week. Write a sales letter for Clickbank.
  • I need to find my target market and advertise to them. That means I need to find parenting websites where I can promote my ebook. That will be another goal this week.
  • I need to start doing teleseminars. I wanted to have one this week, but I don't think I can get anything ready. This week I will set a date to start my first teleseminar and send an email to my list of the date. If I get signups, great, if not, I will just do the teleseminar and have it taped for future use.
The whole promotion thing is tough. But if I want to sell ebooks, I need to get it going. I find it hard to find the time. Maybe I making an excuse. If I get up earlier, I would have the time. I know I need to be committed and keep at it so sales can start rolling in. My list is at 113 so I feel that is good since I only really started 2 weeks ago.

Stay tuned...


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 10 - It's Snowing!

Today is Day 10. I don't really have too much to report. Many things need to be done, but I wasn't able to get them done today.

I have been thinking about Podcasting. There was going to be a teleseminar tonight, but it was postponed until next week. I'm thinking podcasting would be a great marketing tool.

Here is a video that I made today...

Stay tuned...


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 9 - I Got A Sale!!!

Today was very exciting for me as I got a sale. Yeah!!!

Boy, this advertising is tough. I do have to say that. Hopefully I can keep adding sales often. I'll keep striving and putting everything to the test.

I heard an interesting story today when I was teaching my daughter her language arts lesson. Thomas Edison refused to give up when he was inventing the light bulb. He said, I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 things that won't work. With each thing that wouldn't work, he felt that he was one step closer to finding what would work. The result of all his hard work is that we now have electric lights.

That is a great lesson and one that I needed to here. About an hour later is when I got my sale! So anyone that is doing internet marketing too, keep going and persevering. It will happen!

Here is a video that I recorded today...

Stay tuned....


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday - Day 8 on my Internet Marketing Test

Today is Day 8 in my test to see if Internet Marketing really works. So far I have 91 names on my list, but no one has purchased an eBook. I really can't get too worked up about that because they say your conversion rate is around 1-2%. My main focus should be to build more names.

Ways to do that is affiliate marketing, article marketing, web 2.0. I'm working on all those things so hopefully my list will continue to grow.

I am considering adding classes to my list of products. I was working on a Class today about digital cameras. I also want to do a teleseminar on digital cameras. I was thinking about doing a teleseminar once a week. Teleseminars are really hot right now so I need to add that to my marketing.

My goal today is to continue advertising on web 2.0 sites, post to more article directories and considering a teleseminar.

I will try to have a video tomorrow showing my progress.

Stay tuned...


PS I would love to hear your comments.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Get Online Profits Fast! For Free

Today is Day 7 in my test of internet marketing. It has been 1 week since I started. Today was a very busy day for me as I am working on another project with a friend of mine.

However, I do have good news. My list is at 83. Last week, it was at 29. That is 54 people in one week. That makes me very happy, however, I just discovered a new tool to build your list even faster. It is called Viral Spiral. I have been reading up on it and wanted to give you the opportunity to read it too.

I just read Online Profits Fast! last night. It was very informative and made me so excited. Here is information about it...

I have found this to be a really useful resource for building an online business, and
I hope you find it helps too.

But it doesn't end there. If you get a copy of this, you'll also be invited to use my unique list-building tool, so you can begin creating a huge opt-in list of targeted prospects and buyers.

This system makes it easy for you to build a cash-generating list, fast... and its all

So go ahead and download your gift and then watch your inbox for my introduction to your
new list-builder.


Check it out now. You'll be glad you did. I am so excited and going to start using it right away!

Stay tuned...


PS: The sooner you get your gift, the sooner you can build your list. Go ahead and
download it now:
